Fınal Post For Current Issues

    We have come to the end of the term. Integration of English language education with technology and its benefits is a must. Therefore, It wouldn't be wrong to say that Current Issues is a continuation of the ET course we took last year. However, unlike the previous year's course ET, we didn't take the Current Issues course in a computer lab. One of the greatest conveniences of this course was understanding the subject during the course and then being given an assignment related to the discussed topic. The assignment where we prepared a short grammar or vocabulary lesson with the help of various video creator tools was definitely my favorite, as we will attract the students' attention with this lecturing technique. 

Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Corpus-based material. Because of some of my mistakes, I couldn't get a high score. So, this made me lose motivation. If this course is given in a computer laboratory, there will be absolutely no deficiency. Future English teacher candidates should take this course if they want to make their lessons more interactive and remarkable. Blending English education and the 21st-century advantages of technology was definitely the biggest benefit of this course for me.

See you soon.
