Final Post in ET Course

 We came to the end of a whole term with technology, we had a lot of fun in some tasks and some were not very fun, but there is no doubt that even the not-fun ones contributed a lot to us. Before taking this course, my attitude towards the connection between technology and my field, ELT, was not very creative or it would be more accurate to say that I would not use technology and its tools in my lessons that much, but as the weeks passed and I completed the assigned tasks in the course one by one, I realized that technology is an amazing and endless resource for 21st-century learners.

For instance, simply giving students podcast assignments will not only improve their speaking skills but will also unleash their creativity.

learners who are intertwined with technology will learn the English subjects they need to learn while gaining the features required by the age.

In addition, instead of putting some rules in the minds of the students with some old-fashioned books, as teachers, we will only guide the learning process and make it more fun.

As for which of the tasks I like most we've done over the weeks, of course, my answer would be digital storytelling, This assignment requires you to make a video as well as taking a sound recording, for which you must have written a good story if you prefer the story option. This means that you will both write a story with a good level of English, be a good video editor, and reflect your speaking skills well at the same time.

There is no question that an ELT student should take this course because it is very helpful and has professionally written content.
