Digital Storytelling

 We reviewed movies, made podcasts, and even prepared a movie poster, so what's left? Of course, making movies... Actually, it's not a movie, but this time we have images as well as our voices, this assigned task is named digital storytelling for me this means a podcast with some pictures as I mentioned before how I like movies you can guess how I had fun through this assignment with the great efforts of Çağatay. like in the other projects, the draft starts with a story, and we decided on and discussed the story together in the end it came out with something epic and sarcastic. 

Audio recordings were the second part of the task because it was full of storytellers and dialogues, but there was a big misfortune right here. Unfortunately, Çağatay's audio recordings were lost he had to record his voice once again, this is all what we went through in the recording part.

after all, it was time to make the video and edit all of them in this part due to my lack of editing skills issue was undertaken by Çağatay, he made the video and edited it with our voice. Eventually, our short but deep movie showed up, in my opinion, no doubt the end of the story was unpredictable and funny. When it comes to the advantage of this task students' creativity and speaking skills will improve. I hope everyone has fun while watching.

Çağatay's blog
