Podcast and Story Telling

 Listening and speaking are one significant elements in the learning process, our task this time was exactly about these issues, Podcast and storytelling.


Together with my peer, Çağatay, we chose A Sound Rich Story, one of the four options, to complete this task . We knew from the very beginning that it is very difficult to visualize a story in the mind of the listener with just our voice and sound effects but we achieved this too.

 It is worth talking about the process I might emphasize the importance of being fully planned. The first thing we did when completing this task was to create the story, also wanted to make something ironic and sarcastic. Eventually, the story showed up yet it was not the hardest part of the task. Our podcast's story included two friends, a narrator, and a clown, these characters were voiced by us using a voice changer, and with Çağatay's great effort these voices, the story, and other voice effects were edited. No lie, it was a pleasure to make these all. The question of whether I would give the same task to my students depends entirely on the tendencies and interests of my future learners, they can improve both their creativity and speaking skills by using podcasts.


Cagatay's blog
