Wiki Experiences And Collaboration

             Wiki Experiences And Collaboration

    Technology is something magical. Thanks to technology, Wiki made two ordinary students like me and my fellow Çağatay movie critics. Even though I'm not a professional movie critic and I know nothing about this kind of field I learned so fast and enjoyed every part of writing about a movie. During this challenging task, we decided to review one of the most impressive movies in cinema history: Se7en. The genre of the movie: neo-noir, drama, mystery, and crime attracted us, also having an 8.6 IMDB score what makes this movie reasonable. Unfortunately, we had to express our feelings, observations, and compliments very briefly.

First of all, Çağatay and I deeply thought about which movie we should choose. After eliminating dozens of movies, we mutually decided to choose Se7en and watched it very carefully to not miss any detail
and underlying meanings. After that, we assessed our opinions of the movie. In the end, it was time to write, just after deciding on what to and how to write with Çağatay I began to write on Wiki.

By using this versatile and useful page Wiki, we as learners can create a new phase of learning and sharing that can disseminate every single piece of information, emotion, observation, and criticism to the whole world. Thus, collaborative learning in every part of education like language learning, math, psychology, and so on may be easier and more applicable. 

Çağatay's blog
